Contact The Authorities Please don't let the Australian Government forget her. Contact the embassy in your country.
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Be Pro-Active Read the family site, read her book, donate, write to her. Tell your friends about this travasty and about her desperate situation.
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Who Are We? We are just like you: people who came across this horrendous story on the internet and couldn't walk away and leave her. Can you?
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Please Don't Walk Away...
Poetry for Schapelle |
This section houses poetry written for, and inspired by, Schapelle Corby. It is another open and ongoing initiative, so please do feel free to submit your own poems for inclusion. Some of the poems are suitable for musicians to use as lyrics for Schapelle support songs: please fell free to use them as such unless this is otherwise indicated on the individual poem
A prison door wrongfully closed behind her
She has been searching for a key
She's on her hands and knees among fallen leaves
she is separated from her family tree
along the injustice maze of yesterday
A blind has been unjustly drawn across the windows of her mind
She's left standing while stranded in time
Bewilderment to the unhealed wounds of shattered innocents overcomes her
She sees clemency as a sign of hope in the sun somewhere shining
she can almost feel the suns rays upon her happier yesterdays
a time long before the cold winds and rains ever came or blew her way
She knows not what she has done
She knows not what her crime
She pleads to the foreign authorities to let her go to set her free
But ultimately it's the president of an alien nation who holds the key
What will become of her if the key is soon not turned?
In the name of human rights and justice the innocent should be set her free
By: Al Wilson
My Sweet Schapelle
When dark clouds fill the sky I see your bright eyes my sweet Schapelle.
When the rain falls and settles on the leaves I wipe away my tears and hold back my fears.
When I walk down the path of loneliness I place your invisible hand in mine.
When I see you weak and courage is what I know you need I fly like a bird across the water to be by your side.
You are the sun the moon that shines I hold close in my heart, my arms I wrap around when I go to sleep night.
One thing will never change you are a child of mine hold on I love you my sweet Schapelle.
©Diane Frola
Beautiful - Ivan Leuscher
When I see you feeling so lost and empty,
I just want to hold you close to me,
Wipe those tears of fear from your eyes,
Wishing you could see your beauty.
Its clear to anyone that you're hurting,
A thought that tortures me inside.
I wish I could take away your pain,
But that request has been denied.
I'll stand by your side forever,
I'll stand by your side until you are free,
Till death tears me away from you,
I'd never give up on you willingly,
My love will always remain true.
Give me your sorrow, pain, and fear,
I would gladly bear them for you,
One with a soul as beautiful as yours,
does not deserve them,
In sympathy my heart bleeds too.
Listen to me and please believe,
You're beautiful as none can be,
Incalcuable in your worth,
Yet to family and friends
you gave yourself freely.
Be strong Schapelle
and know that you are loved,
Your cause I could never betray,
I'd hold you close comforting you,
I promise it will be okay.
Media Circus - Al Wilson
They're selling newspapers magazines DVD's and books
They found themselves a suffering star to move merchandise frpm the shelves
Come see the clowns of journalism juggle truths into their mixed bag of lies
Hear the publishing ring master sing aloud and cry
Hoopla!,Hoopla!,Hoopla! The media circus is back in town
See a 40lb steel ball chained to an innocent woman's leg
This is an act some will say that really makes their show
See the innocent woman as she is dropped from the big top press roof into a pit of mud some fifty feet below
Hoopla!,Hoopla!,Hoopla The media circus is back in town
See the stilt man and acrobats in action as they retrieve the innocent woman from the mud
See them fire her from a canon into a safety net of thorns
Watch them strap the innocent woman to a table as she gets rushed to the cut a woman in half saw
Hear the ring master sing aloud and cry
Hoopla!,Hoopla! Hoopla! The media circus is back in town
See the innocent women get tossed alive into the lions cage as the monkeys dance in time to fear
See the long arm freak of justice do a double back flip from the trapeze above for you
See the heartless fingerless politician shake hands while they promise much much more
Hurry! grab your pop corn with a drink to wash it down
Hoopla!,Hoopla!,Hoopla! The media circus is back in town.
People They Burn WithTheir Hand In The Fire - Al Wilson
Life to you is just another chapter full of your shredded off skin in a book that you wrote in the name of justice
While you put your hands in the fire moving in illusion your mutual judicial assistance to help while turning hot coals it was not you that got burned
Your big J word was bent ever since the day a lie to a judge helped hit a wooden hammer on a court justice bench
Cast your eyes and take a look at the innocent girl who now rots away in a foreign cell all blistered mentally infected where she has been left to lay
Look down below among the foreseen in activeness of assistance promise liars who once past her way when authority's backs where all turned
You just go on ahead reaching to turn the page in your book without a concern on the question of what about the innocent girl that you've burned?
Your pages on justice and assistance in a book that you wrote are nothing more then a sickening joke
You've allowed personal decision making to creep in
You can save an airport but you can't fly away from what you have done
One day you shall pay for your sins my daughters and sons.
Fork Tongues and Toothless Dogs - Al Wilson
Fork tongues and twisters speaking false words of manipulation to carve out someone Else's future,I seen fork tongues walking on clouds of smog, I heard fork tongues whistling smoky tunes to martyrs, as dreams of hope and faith shattered across the universe time and space, I longed to see the day the smirk wiped of the fork tongues faces.
I seen fork tongues holding up fists of false grips,while they deliberately allowed issues and concerns to slip through their fingers, some called them watch dogs, I called them the toothless dogs of shame.
I seen the fork tongues as they kept the fires burning,never acknowledging them that they where hurting, they where all blinded by dollar notes and agendas in their eyes,some called them watch dogs, I called them the toothless dogs of shame.
It's a slithery world feeding off a deceit,as fork tongue shepherds over look the masses of sheep, like listening to a stones hart beat,if you look into the eyes of the fork tongues you wont get any response.
Yes!!! their all fork tongues,their all toothless dogs of shame.
Yes!!! their all fork tongues,their all toothless dogs of shame.
yes!!! their all fork tongues,their all toothless dogs of shame.
By:Al Wilson
Hope - Anon (For Schapelle)
Her eyes were bright her candle shone, her heart was full of hope
Because she believed in justice, integrity and truth
Through interrogation hell, she would not surrender hope
Because she believed in justice, integrity and truth
Rejecting the plea bargain, full of faith and hope
Because she believed in justice, integrity and truth
She didn't bribe officials, she kept her pride and hope
Because she believed in justice, integrity and truth
Standing tall before the show court, with expectancy and hope
Because she believed in justice, integrity and truth
They took her freedom and her life, even now she had some hope
Because she believed in justice, integrity and truth
Her government did nothing, still she never gave up hope
Because she believed in justice, integrity and truth
Her media lied and smeared, but she held tightly on to hope
Because she believed in justice, integrity and truth
She waited for her people, and never gave up hope
Because she believed in justice, integrity and truth
She waited year on year, and prayed on faith and hope
Because she believed in justice, integrity and truth
Her candle now burned low but she still clung on to hope
Because she believed in justice, integrity and truth
Where are my people, why don't they come, my only chance and hope
She still believed in justice, integrity and truth
Her candle only flickers like her ever desperate hope
Where is the long lost justice,integrity and truth?
Her fingernails are slipping, she tries to keep some hope
She wonders about justice, integrity and truth
Her people's eyes are blinded, she almost has no hope,
Her light it dims, there is no justice, integrity or truth
Her light it flickers, her hope is going, her people never come,
This innocent has no justice, despite integrity and truth
Her light it flickers, her heart it flickers, her hope is......
Buried Concerns In The Sand - Al Wilson
What could we do if our voice never got through?
What could we say if attention was never payed?
The problem my friend is buried concerns in the sand
Yes! they buried concerns alive in the sand
What could we do if our authorities could not hear?
What could we do if political leaders were all blind?
The problem my friend is buried concerns in the sand
Yes! they buried concerns alive in the sand
What could we do if a wrong was left as a right?
What could we do if a right was left as a wrong ?
The problem my friend is buried concerns in the sand
Yes! they buried concerns alive in the sand
What could we go with no paths to walk upon?
What could we do if there was no one to turn to?
There are these problems my friend buried in the sand
Yes! they buried concerns alive in the sand
Yes! they buried concerns alive in the sand
For the Young Hearts like Schapelle
When the pain arrives at night
What is a man? What can he do?
When the heart feels heavy again
Shall we give up? No!
Girl, you will never be defeated
The defeat is always brief
For the young ones who are loved like you...
Roberto Macchiavello, Viña del Mar, Chile
Injustice Sea - Al Wilson
Sailing on a vessel in a sea of injustice,looks like the ship has a hole,
out on the ocean, winds are blowing,with no direction to go,
there is a lighthouse shining, as you wonder what's on the captains mind,
for a lighthouse tells of danger, keep your distance it's rocky shores, but you can swim or you can drown, stars are navigation signs.
Captain lost is sailing,searching for some justice land,do you wish to come along,to be fit able and strong,you must first build sand castles in the sand,kick them down and start again.
You can walk bare footed on an oyster bed with a salty smell in the air,
but you can not drop your anchor in the bottomless sea, so out the porthole you stare,
there is now a moonlit night and a changing tide, may it bring a sea sailing warmth to your soul,
may justice finally take hold, may the free wind blow your sails back home,
may you forever reach to feel your feet on beloved sand,
faraway from the fiery shackles of across the sea foreign land that unjustly chains you,
may the rage of a storm on the ocean inside you forever stay calm, may the life boats come for you full speed ahead, may the crewman aboard take hold of your hand,
may you weather all storms through time and tide in this injustice sea that has cruelly swept you in,
may all the false captains go down with their ships, as you sit on a beach and watch unforgiven waves brake against the rocks.
Captain lost is sailing,searching for some justice land,do you wish to come along,to be fit able and strong,you must first build sand castles in the sand,kick them down and start again.
Time can be friendly,time can be an enemy, time can be of a substance, time can be of an essence in the injustice sea.
A castaway can sail forever, on the oceans of their mind, but if one is to suffer, then whats their crime.
While out on the front bow a seasick lonely sailor looks to sea, sailing on the ocean of their mind, for they know not what they have done, they know not what their crime, they ask the evil sea serpents to let them go and to leave them be, to sail home free.
When You Tried To Tell The World What Went On - Al Wilson
I read a book on a lonely beach, then took a walk in the sun, I was trying to isolate my mind.
For there is no way of knowing, not on heaven earth or hell, and it just could be an answer, is a problem at the time.
So I ponded on the mountain, at the mujaheddin lights ahead,
Then I run a mile, till I run out of breath, life seamiest a game of chess, an alien king and his man, held a pawn, and home land ruler's played along.
When you tried to tell the world what went on,and those that reached the mass, tied to your leg a stone,I seen your head above the mud, your not alone,I seen you, doing all you can to get back home.
I sensed for time to change things, written on a no where sign, as voice's talked to me in the wind and in my mind.
So I just sat back on the mountain looking at the city lights below, I could feel the voice of a lonely lonely soul.
I could not put a finger on it, for words are not enough to say it, and you can not scratch an itchy mind, you can not use calamine lotions,
There is no such thing as a magic potent, when nothing but freedom, can really take the pain away.
When you tried to tell the world what went on,and those that reached the mass tied to your leg a stone,I seen your head above the mud, your not alone,I seen you, doing all you can to get back home.
Memory flute sounds and heart strings play, back and fourth across yesterday, and I know fairy tails are not true, but I always wish on stars for you.
May justice come forever true, and may you walk free, may you find your way home from behind the conviction trees, that's been planted all around you.
There are moon beams that light the darkest of halls, pictures talk while remembrance calls, but all that is found among fallen leaves, are familiar voices,
From beyond the trees.
Then as a door swings opened another slams closed, behind the others, lord only knows, in the brake dawn hour there are things I see clear,
Invisible visions that ears can't hear, still in all it makes sense to me, all the court room shambles and shame, but as fingers get pointed there's no
One to blame, for they hide in the darkness down a shadowy lane.
When you tried to tell the world what went on, and those that reached the mass tied to your leg a stone, I seen your head above the mud, your not alone, I seen You, doing all you can to get back home.
I seen you, doing all you can to get back home. I seen you, doing all you can to get back home. I see you, doing all you can to get back home,
I seen you, doing all you can to get back home. I seen you, doing all you can to get back home. I see you, doing all you can to get back home,
I seen you, doing all you can to get back home. I seen you, doing all you can to get back home. I see you, doing all you can to get back home,
Powerhungry - Neilly
Shooting stars fly into the land of the gods
The lands ghastly exquisite, aligned with arriving stars
Taken for granted, our freedom and governments now seem
Causes take affect, the land of gods or the land of the unjust, deemed
A beauty condemned, unfairly trialed, surviving politics never seemed so hard
Half a century has passed, bullheaded with hands of ice
Convenience has become the wary way of our third world allies, our counter parts
Thoughts of cosmic misplacement, thoughts of inner peace
In this place, Schapelle's deteriorating mind and body fall apart piece by piece.
Anxious and Annoyed, Spoken tounge of the world
Free Schapelle Corby already, five years later, immensely absurd
Suggestions on how to help Schapelle are available on our How To Help Page. Please don't walk away...
More details of the specific abuses of Schapelle's legal and human rights are available on our Case Assessment Pages
Leaflets, website banners and other items are available from our Campaign Resources Page